Are you thinking what I'm thinking...
A Mickey Mouse head ornament right???
You're not? Well, hold on! You'll see...
I couldn't believe how quick this went together! No glue, very little mess, no fuss! I'll be heading back out for more colors to completely fill my tree with these little beauties this year! Let me show you just how simple it is and I bet you'll have a few on your tree too!
What you need:
2 sizes of plastic glittered ornaments
(check your local craft stores for 50% deals!)
Xacto knife
That's it!

Remove hanger from 2 smallest ornaments

Gently start poking hole in larger ornament close to the hanger with Xacto knife. Turn blade clock wise increasing pressure each turn to carve away hole until it is slightly smaller than neck of smallest ornament. Repeat on opposite side.

For the size of ornaments I used, the width of the largest part of the blade was the perfect fit.

Line up the neck of the smallest ornament with hole and gently twist into hole. Repeat on other side. Be carful not to push too hard or you could crease the plastic which leaves a bright "scar" across the bend.

Voila! There you have it! A perfectly adorable Mickey Head ornament! I told you it was easy! How many will you make? Please link back and share your creations if you make some! ºoº
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